In Depth Baby Product Reviews Led by a Pediatrician

Diaper Landfill Questions

Reducing the landfill one diaper at a time
Diaper Landfill Questions
Credit: Katarzyna Wojtasik ©
Saturday October 12, 2019

We understand the jury might still be out on which harms the environment more, disposable or cloth diapers, but there is no doubt that disposables are filling the landfill and taking up space while spilling biohazardous waste (poop) where it isn't allowed. Given this, we implore you to take a look, or perhaps a second look, at cloth diapering. Cloth diapering isn't the same as it used to be. The advancement in products and cleaning devices makes it easier to incorporate cloth diapers into your everyday routine without increasing your workload or the stink factor in your home.

Cloth diapers are great for the landfill and the sensitive skin of babies. With disposable liners and easy to use cleaning devices using cloth is almost as easy as disposable. If you add on the convenience of an in-house diaper supply, and the super cute covers cloth proves why it is making a comeback in a big way.

Honest, objective reviews. Led by a Pediatrician.

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